Mary Rose Museum Film – CGI Animation

Mary Rose Museum – CGI Animation

The new Mary Rose Museum opened in summer 2013. An important aspect is to develop the story and ongoing museum development for stakeholder audiences to showcase the museum in the coming years. We helped produce a CGI animation.

Working with such a sensitive project that has historic significance as one of the most symbolic insights into Tudor life in the world with the showcase being the 16th century warship (with many of her 19,000 artefacts now reunited), the project entailed demonstrating the vision for 2016. Working closely with the Mary Rose Trust and using the elements we had created for an award winning film in 2012, the new CGI flythrough project depicted new elements for audience interaction that will be revealed in the coming years, such as the better vantage points to view the ship and taking into consideration the conservation programmes that are currently in progress.

The film included a mix of live video footage and also from close measurement and understanding drawings and plans, to create animated sections to highlight the actual and the virtual and appreciation of the lighting effect to create a natural ambiance within the area around the warship. The final film has its role to play as a vision for the conservation programme and support the role for grant and donor initiatives. The importance of the project to national relevance has resulted in an ongoing £35 million heritage project to build the new museum and complete the current programme on the ship and her contents has received £23 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

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