A Chat With…Andrew Long From Iconic Architectural Design

With the Architectural Illustration work we produce, it’s good to bring in the voices of others outside of the Architecture In Motion environment.

Andrew Long from Iconic Architectural Design, based in Surrey, has been a valued client since 2010. Some notable projects from the studio over the past few years have included 43 Princes Drive and The Pines.

Similar to Andrew’s ethos we like to adopt a collaborative approach. Lets take some time out from the project side and ask Andrew about the importance of imagery.


What Do You Look For In An Image?

The crux of a successful project is that the final CGI image has to look real. This is imperative. If you miss the mark with landscape and proportions it can ruin the whole project and what you are looking to achieve.

There are some aspects that are a complete giveaway when it comes to noticing an actual CGI, namely grass and people. Including people can ruin a house and landscape. A house will always be stationary, people will not. With our portfolio of work from Iconic, we will never include people. I don’t think the world of CGI has got there, just yet.

Architectural Illustration


How Vital Is The Delivery Of Quality Imagery?

Many people cannot visualise what is being proposed, when it comes to demonstrating a vision for a project. Architects plans do not reveal the vital elements of colour, scale, shadows and context.

The whole delivery of a CGI image is to present realism to a subject. It is here to inform and also educate.

As architects it is our responsibility to effectively build the dream, 18 months in advance. To have access to a resource that can help deliver that reality. This can become an asset for any architect.

Architectural Illustration


Can You Name Projects That Have Given You Most Reward?

I wouldn’t say this is a case of pinpointing specific projects, as naturally proud of the work that Iconic produce.

What is perhaps more rewarding is the moment when looking at an image for the very first time on screen. To me this is such a pivotal aspect of the design process. Any problems can also be eliminated during these stages.

Moving from the personal reward, I get just as much satisfaction when a client finally gets to see the vision that is presented to them. When someone else acknowledges what will become a reality and they will become a part of an environment that is shown, this is a great part of our role (and function) as architects.


What Inspires You?

The world of painting and artwork inspires me. I know that everyone is different, but if I see something that moves me and connects with me on a personal level, then that is what I enjoy.

An average CGI creates no reaction whatsoever, a beautiful CGI can help to set a scene, deliver a story and ignite someone’s imagination.


Many thanks to Andrew and giving a glimpse from his world. To find out more from Iconic:

Website: www.iconicad.com

Twitter: @iconicLLP

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